15PR11 Pyrite on Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
10.4x 8.7x 4.7 cm

A very beautiful pyrite specimen, with several very sharp crystals nestled in a cluster of quartz crystals.  The pyrite has the mirror-like luster that characterizes the best pieces from this mine-- you can actually see the reflections of the quartz crystals on the pyrites' surfaces.

The main crystals are all intact, though a couple of the peripheral ones have contacts (I mean, it had to be extracted somehow...)  This is an excellent (and very beautiful) piece-- the ones with quartz always seem to be the most sought after, though unfortunately they are considerably less common. 

Similar Minerals

CAU25 Pyrite on Quartz
Santa Eualia, Chihuahua, Mexico
8.2x 5.6x 4.3 cm
15PR01 Pyrite on Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
15.5x 10.2x 7.5 cm
15PR12 Pyrite on Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
10.3x 6.8x 6.0 cm
North America
South America
Inner Mongolia
Clearance Minerals
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