MSR07 Tourmaline var. Liddicoatite on Smoky Quartz
Sahatany Valley, Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Prov., Madagascar
6.1x 3.6x 2.7 cm

A double terminated crystal of liddicoatite tourmaline on a double terminated smoky quartz crystal.  The specimen is a floater, freed from a decomposed pegmatite with no point of attachment.

Although the tourmaline crystal appears dark, when held to the light it can be seen to be dark greenish-brown and gemmy.

This pocket was found just before I arrived-- there were several of these floater quartz/ liddicoatite combinations found, and I purchased the best examples-- although the pocket produced fewer that 15 specimens, most were damaged during recovery.  Although not the largest from the group, I consider this one to be the best-- both the minerals present are double terminated, and it is exceptionally well balanced.

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MSR08 Tourmaline var. Liddicoatite on Smoky Quartz
Sahatany Valley, Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Prov., Madagascar
8.7x 7.8x 4.1 cm
MSR09 Tourmaline var. Liddicoatite on Smoky Quartz
Sahatany Valley, Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Prov., Madagascar
9.0x 7.8x 6.5 cm
MSR26 Tourmaline var. Liddicoatite on Smoky Quartz
Mt Ibity, Antsirabé 2 Dist., Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Prov., Madagascar
8.7x 4.5x 3.2 cm
North America
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Clearance Minerals
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