Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
A nice example of what has aptly been nicknamed "blueberry quartz," this specimen has a number of inky blue (almost black) crystals clinging to the sides of a white quartz crystal. The quartz crystals themselves tend to have transparent cores, but subsequent generations of growth and harsh conditions inside the mine have etched them and made the surfaces white-- the blue fluorite has crystalized over this. Under strong lighting, you can see the inky blue color, without strong lighting, it is closer to black-- if you have seen this style in person, then you will know what I am talking about. I apologize for all the contrast in the image, it's necessary to show the surface features of the fluorite, but then the white quartz comes out looking ridiculously bright....
This one had a pleasant arrangement of fluorites on the quartz, you can see the termination of the quartz crystal, rather than it being just a fluorite-covered pillar. It also has a larger crystal near the base, a sort of "visual anchor."