A small group of very rare Nikischerite specimens. This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number. Usually news of new mineral species tends to go under the radar, but perhaps because the name was selected honor a prominent mineral dealer, and because the crystals were actually visible (versus the usual microcryalline smear-on-matrix that new species tend to be) this one actually received quite some attention.
It is worth noting, that virtually all of what was found originally were thumbnails. The cabinet and miniature pieces on this page are truly exceptional, rich examples of the species.
Simply put, an exceptional example of nikishcherite, with a few ball-like clusters of hexagonal crystals on matrix. Neat the bottom of the specimen, there is also another area covered with darker hexagonal crystals of the mineral.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
Simply put, an exceptional example of nikishcherite, with a numerous small ball-like clusters of hexagonal crystals cradled in a rounded bit of matrix. It is a very sculptural piece, and certainly more interesting visually than any I have seen in the past.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
An exceptionally rich example of nikishcherite, with numerous ball-like aggregates of the mineral on matrix. A number of the balls have some shearing, as if they grew in something of a seam and some of the tops were touching the opposite rock face. Regardless, this is an exceptionally rich example of this mineral-- especially considering the vast majority of known specimens are just single, matrixless orbs.
Because of the color of the nikischerite and of the matrix, the balls can be a bit harder to see in the pictures-- the image taken from an angle close to the display surface of the piece better shows the relief of the nikischerite orbs.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
An exceptionally rich example of nikishcherite, with numerous ball-like aggregates of the mineral on matrix. A number of the balls have some shearing, as if they grew in something of a seam and some of the tops were touching the opposite rock face. Regardless, this is an exceptionally rich example of this mineral-- especially considering the vast majority of known specimens are just single, matrixless orbs.
Also of note, are a few green vivianite crystals on the matrix.
Because of the color of the nikischerite and of the matrix, the balls can be a bit harder to see in the pictures-- the image taken from an angle close to the display surface of the piece better shows the relief of the nikischerite orbs.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
An exceptional example of nikishcherite, with numerous ball-like clusters of hexagonal crystals scattered on matrix, particularly in folds and seams.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails, most without matrix. While the individual aggregates on this specimen are not particularly large, to have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A rare matrix specimen of nikishcherite, with an aggregate of crystals nicely centered on the specimen.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
A rare matrix example of nikishcherite, this one hosts a number of scattered aggregates-- the best ones are in a shallow crevice near the top of the piece, and there is another larger, more oxidized cluster toward the upper left of the piece. In general, the nikischerite on this one is a bit more oxidized than the other pieces in this update, but it still remains an unusual rich example of this exceedingly rare mineral.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
Virtually all of what was found in the original discovery back in 2000 were thumbnails. most without matrix. To have a specimen of this size with this much nikischerite on it is virtually unheard of.
A great miniature sized matrix specimen of nikishcherite, with a few small greenish brown ball-like clusters of hexagonal crystals on a nicely contrasting matrix coated with something black.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A rich thumbnail sized specimen of nikishcherite, with numerous crystal aggregates on matrix.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A nice thumbnail sized specimen of nikishcherite, with several greenish brown aggregates on a contrasting, darkly colored matrix.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A nice thumbnail sized specimen of nikishcherite, with numerous brownish crystals on a sliver of matrix.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A nice thumbnail sized specimen of nikishcherite, composed almost entirely of greenish brown aggregates of the mineral. Not perfect, but a very rare opportunity to obtain an example of the species, particularly at this price.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.
A nice thumbnail sized specimen of nikishcherite, with numerous brownish black crystals on a sliver of matrix.
Please note, this one is very small-- I advise copying and pasting the picture into MS word or something similar, then resizing the image until it more or less approximates the given dimensions.
This species is the iron rich analogue of shigaite, and was first described in 2001 from specimens produced during a single find that occurred in 2000. At the time, there were estimated to be fewer that 200 specimens in existence— this recent find only bumps that up by a very small number.