This is the first page of a 2 part Bolivian update. This page contains a number of bournonite specimens, and a few light pink apatites from Kami. I thought most of these bournonites had particularly nice form-- and a few had a very unusual pyrite association, while a couple had freibergite. The apatites were also deserve mention-- these are a recent find from the Kami mine (previously known mainly for producing jeromite specimens once in a while). Unfortunately the miners were very dynamite-happy, so the few pieces I have selected for this update represent the most complete from a larger lot. All the same, I will reiterate (as mentioned int he individual descriptions) that these are not pristine, in most cases the quartz crystals will be broken. Also worth noting: there is significant color change-- the pink color is most evident under incandescent light, and they are very pale under sunlight. I desaturated the images quite a bit to try and set the depicted color somewhere in between the two natural extremes.