Last month, I spent a couple weeks down in Peru hunting mineral specimens. I was going to do a single massive update of my favorite pieces from this Peru trip, but I decided to split the initial update into two parts— pyrite, and mixed species.
So pyrite. When it comes to more common species, you have to be especially selective. I bought thousands of pieces on this trip, and while there were a couple bulk lots included in that count, I actually took the time to pick through and individually select most of what I brought back. From all those already selected pieces, these are my top 32 selections of pyrite. These were chosen for a number of reasons—whether for their size or for having great luster, a particularly beautiful arrangement or an aesthetic association, or just cleanliness or being especially sharp, these are not your average pyrites— and after having gone to Peru so many times, I am quite confident in my ability to select these! I will be posting 2 more Peru updates in the comping days-- one of mixed minerals, and a second of inexpensive but very varied and crystallographically interesting pyrites from a stash that a local dealer had accumulated over a period of a couple years. This page has the show pieces, that final page will the have small cool ones.
I apologize in advance for the red background-- many of these things are so reflective that the standard white or black leads to a lot of faces not showing up correctly in the images. A common problem is that they reflect light away from the camera, and one ends up with areas looking black. I have found that red offers enough contrast from their natural color that when combined with white reflectors (or just the white sheets of paper you see sloppily left in some pictures) I can much more clearly convey their form!