IJP65 Pyromorphite
Rum Jungle, Brown's Prospect, Northern Territory, Australia
10.7x 9.0x 7.5 cm

A monster Rum jungle piece, with the typical malachite/pyromorphite/cerrusite combination. This one is a cavernous malachite formation, with a cerrusite "snowflake" at the bottom (though it is not easily visible). The entire thing is sprinkled with pyromorphite. These were recovered during only two excavations in 1975 and 1977, and as such are less common today--especially in such a large size. A classic. It"s also bigger than my fist.

Similar Minerals

IJP83 Pyromorphite
Wallace, Coeur d'Alene District, Shoshone Co., Idaho, United States
4.7x 3.4x 2.7 cm
IJP69 Pyromorphite
Wheatly Mine, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
6.5x 5.1x 3.1 cm
FS16 Pyromorphite
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, United States
4.0x 2.2x 2.0 cm
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