Another page of specimens from the Yindu Mine— I have another update of more mixed specimens from this mine coming in the couple weeks, all from recent pockets and with appearances that vary greatly, though I picked this batch up and wanted to post them separately.
After 20 years of selling rocks, I have learned to buy what is coming out as it is being found— in almost every case, no matter how abundant, it inevitably stops and then the stuff gets hard to find (and difficult for me to buy). The spessartine/quartz combos or pyromorphite from China, the realgar from Peru, etc— what seemed like endless supplies eventually came to an end. I do not mention this I order to create hype, though with that said, what is currently being found that I find interesting is Yindu fluorite. I happen to be a little lucky to be here as this mine is producing very varied pockets, so I try to stay on top of discoveries as they are made. I found these to be particularly beautiful, most have dark purple cores (the purple is a bit lighter on the smaller crystals) and very clear light green outer layers. The majority of these do not need special lighting. However, this particular combination of color, transparency, and the matrix colors, combined with fluorite’s annoying tendency to not have its color be accurately depicted by cameras, makes them very hard to photograph. They do show up well in videos however, so while my photographs may be sub par, each piece is accompanied by a link to an Instagram video where you can see the specimen in greater detail.