China Under 100

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NCNU01 Fluorite with Calcite
Xianghualing Mine, Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co. , Chenzhou Pref., Hunan Prov., China
9.3x 8.1x 3.1 cm

A pretty example of calcite on a matrix covered with green fluorite crystals. 

NCNU02 Plumbogummite ps. Pyromorphite
Gongcheng Area, Guilin Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A.R., China
5.7x 3.6x 3.9 cm

A rich example of plumbogummite pseudomorphs after pyromorphite on matrix. These retain the sharp hexagonal form of the pyromorphite; they have not been as severely etched as on examples from other parts of the mine.

NCNU03 Fluorite on Quartz
Yaogangxian Mine, Chenzhou, Hunan Prov., China
4.8x 2.9x 3.2 cm

A pretty example of fluorite clinging to a terminated quartz crystal, from Yaogangxian. 

NCNU04 Plumbogummite ps. Pyromorphite
Gongcheng Area, Guilin Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A.R., China
6.6x 4.9x 2.9 cm

A rich example of plumbogummite pseudomorphs after pyromorphite on matrix. These retain the sharp hexagonal form of the pyromorphite; they have not been as severely etched as on examples from other parts of the mine.

NCNU05 Fluorite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
6.4x 4.7x 3.4 cm

An unusually colored fluorite from the Qinlong Mine; this is the same place that produces the "QR code fluorites", only not he is one the purple is more evenly distributed rather than being concentrated around dips and raises on the surfaces.  It looks very Elmwood-y for some reason. Color is more accurate in the picture with the black background, there is a bit of yellow-greenish in the core but it is more accentuated in the pictures with the white backgrounds. 

NCNU06 Calcite
Zhejiang Prov., China
2.1x 1.5x 1.0 cm

A nice thumbnail specimen of very transparent calcite, from older finds in Zhejiang Province. 

NCNU07 Calcite
Daye Area, Hubei Prov., China
7.3x 6.7x 5.2 cm

A nice example of a Daye calcite; this one shows the reddish-brown color that the mine is known for, and has a number of scalenohedral crystals pleasantly arranged on their matrix.   

NCNU08 Aragonite
Yunnan Prov., China
4.1x 3.4x 2.1 cm

A sample of aragonite from Yunnan Province, this one has particularly vivid color as far as these go. Contacted on the reverse, but has a nice spray-like appearance from the front. 

NCNU09 Bultfonteinite
Shijiangshan Mine, Linxi Co., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
5.4x 5.3x 2.3 cm

A reference example of bultfonteinite from the best-of-species find made a couple years ago.  The mineral was best known previously as the thin hairy accessory on poldervaartites from South Africa, but here it occurred as rich botryoids. This ones kind of pale, so its cheaper... but still a very good reference!

NCNU10 Fluorite
Yindu Mine, Chifeng Pref., Inner Mongolia A.R., China
1.7x 1.6x 1.05 cm

A pretty thumbnail example from a pocket discovered last year, like many of these discoveries, they tend to come and go from the market. These are notable for their clear purple phantoms frozen in cubes with greenish wisps.  

NCNU11 Scheelite with Fluorite on Quartz
Yaogangxian Mine, Chenzhou, Hunan Prov., China
5.1x 3.4x 2.5 cm

A nice example from a find made around 2 years ago, I saw some in Denver but the prices were ridiculous. This is a nice reference piece, it contains cluster of fluorites mixed with orange scheelites (a rare color for Yaogangxian) perched on a quartz crystal stem.

NCNU12 Fluorite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
4.9x 3.0x 2.5 cm

A nice example of "QR code" fluorite.  The purple color has accumulated where there are slight changes in the topography of the crystal faces, leaving them with this interesting appearance. More than most, the color on these is concentrated on the edges, giving them an interesting outlined appearance. 

NCNU13 Fluorite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
5.7x 3.5x 1.3 cm

A nice example of "QR code" fluorite.  The purple color has accumulated where there are slight changes in the topography of the crystal faces, leaving them with this interesting appearance. More than most, the color on these is concentrated on the edges, giving them an interesting outlined appearance. 

NCNU14 Fluorite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
4.9x 2.9x 1.5 cm

A nice example of "QR code" fluorite.  The purple color has accumulated where there are slight changes in the topography of the crystal faces, leaving them with this interesting appearance. More than most, the color on these is concentrated on the edges, giving them an interesting outlined appearance. 

NCNU15 Quartz with Chalcopyrite
Jiangxi Prov., China
4.5x 3.2x 2.1 cm

A sample of red quartz with chalcopyrite, from Jiangxi. The color on this one is more saturated than most, and the flower-like arrangement of the crystals is particularly pleasant. 

NCNU16 Fluorite on Quartz
Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
4.5x 3.2x 3.2 cm

A nice example of blue fluoirte on white quartz, from Huanggang.  These come in a range of colors-- green and purple (or rather ugly combinations of the two) are the most common. The aqua blue ones are somewhat rarer.  Not perfect, but a nice example. 

NCNU17 Calcite on Quartz
Daye Area, Hubei Prov., China
3.7x 1.9x 1.5 cm

A very beautiful little example of calcite on quartz, the quartz is framed by scores of very sharp, pointy little calcite scalenohedrons. Small, but very nice. 

NCNU18 Fluorite on Quartz
Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
4.1x 3.4x 3.1 cm

A nice example of blue fluoirte on white quartz, from Huanggang.  These come in a range of colors-- green and purple (or rather ugly combinations of the two) are the most common. The aqua blue ones are somewhat rarer.  Not perfect, but a nice example. 

NCNU19 Fluorite (Spinel twin)
Yindu Mine, Chifeng Pref., Inner Mongolia A.R., China
5.0x 2.4x 1.8 cm

A very interesting spinel twinned fluorite from the Yindu Mine, these are not common there but they do come out occasionally. This one seems to have a spinel twin with purple zones and colorless windows that show very unusual silty inclusions; then there is a bluish overgrowth of later generation fluorite on some edges. Not perfect, but a very good reference for the price. 

NCNU21 Galena on Quartz
Jiangxi Prov., China
5.8x 4.4x 2.4 cm

A nice example of bright galena on quartz, good galena is not especially common from China-- recently there has been some fro this mine in Jiangxi, and then there are the odd bits accompanying sphalerite from Shuikoushan, but they're usually not very lustrous. There are also bits of pyrite and chalcopyrite. 

NCNU22 Greenockite
Gongcheng Area, Guilin Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A.R., China
6.8x 3.8x 3.2 cm

A good example of powdery yellow greenockite on matrix, from a recent find near the pyromorphite mines. For whatever reason, this cadmium sulfide is in virtually every field guide, but you almost never see it for sale. 

NCNU23 Creedite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
5.6x 2.9x 2.0 cm

A nice sample of creedite on matrix, from the Qinlong Mine, featuring a radial cluster of the mineral. 

NCNU24 Apophyllite on Quartz
Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
4.6x 3.0x 2.0 cm

A nice example of apophyllite on slightly yellowish quartz.  The apophyllite crystals frame the quartz quite nicely. Not perfect, but a nice reference- picked through a lot of them and found a few pretty ones like this.. most were somewhat more randomly shaped or just very obviously broken. 

NCNU25 Orthoclase
Fujian Prov., China
4.4x 34.3x 2.3 cm

A nice example of a sharp orthoclase crystal from Fujian Province. 

NCNU26 Spessartine Garnet with Smoky Quartz
Tongbei, Fujian Prov., China
2.9x 2.2x 2.1 cm

A nice thumbnail sized sample of orange spessartine garnets with smoky quartz.

NCNU27 Smithsonite (Cadmian)
Yunnan Prov., China
9.1x 6.0x 5.4 cm

A nice example of yellow caiman smithsonite from Yunnan Province. Not perfect, but quite rich, sizable, and a good reference!

NCNU28 Calcite on Quartz
Fujian Prov., China
9.6x 6.6x 4.1 cm

A nice example of lustrous calcites on a quartz-covered matrix, from finds made several months back in Fujian Province. 

NCNU29 Fluorite
Xianghualing Mine, Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co. , Chenzhou Pref., Hunan Prov., China
7.5x 4.4x 4.3 cm

A very transparent fluorite on matrix, nicely isolated.  Not perfect, but not bad for the price

NCNU30 Quartz
Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
5.9x 3.6x 5.8 cm

A nice example of "starburst" quartz on matrix, form Huanggang.  I have had a number of these clusters in the past, but the majority of the smaller ones had no matrix.  

NCNU31 Calcite
Leiping, Guiyang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan Prov., China
6.1x 5.1x 2.4 cm

A nice cluster of calcites with phantoms from the Leiping Mine, in Hunan Province. 

NCNU32 Calcite
Daye Area, Hubei Prov., China
7.4x 6.3x 3.5 cm

Multiple calcite "pagodas" on matrix-- these occur when a second generation of calcite crystalizes over earlier sclenohedrons. On this specimen, the later generation is transparent enough in some places to see the internal scalenohedrons, and there are chalcopyrite inclusions as well. 

NCNU33 Calcite
Daye Area, Hubei Prov., China
5.7x 5.0x 4.1 cm

A nice cluster of calcite "pagodas" from the Daye area.

NCNU34 Gypsum var. Selenite
Qinglong Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinglong Co., Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China
5.2x 4.2x 1.3 cm

An "X" shaped pair of selenite crystals from the Qinlong Mine in Guizhou Province. 

NCNU35 Spessartine Garnet on Quartz
Tongbei, Fujian Prov., China
4.5x 2.4x 2.6 cm

A nice example of spessartine garnets on a quartz crystal, from Fujian Province. 

NCNU36 Siderite
Kaiwu Mine, Hezhang, Bijie Pref., Guizhou Prov., China
5.9x 4.1x 3.0 cm

A nice sample of siderite from the Kaiwu Mine.  This one has a main, larger crystal on a plate of smaller ones. 

NCNU37 Fluorite
Xianghualing Mine, Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co. , Chenzhou Pref., Hunan Prov., China
2.6x 2.0x 1.4 cm

A nice thumbnail sized fluorite from Xianghualing, this one has an interesting, white cubooctahedral phantom. 

NCNU38 Fluorite and Quartz
Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner (Keshiketeng Co.), Ulanhad League (Chifeng Prefecture), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
5.3x 5.1x 3.2 cm

A nice sample of green fluorite on white quartz, from the Huanggang Mine. 

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